6 Healthy Indian Summer Drink Ideas for Kids | Gurujithandai.com

6 Healthy Indian Summer Drink Ideas for Kids
6 Healthy Indian Summer Drink Ideas for Kids | Gurujithandai.com
It will take months for winters to come again. Till that time, we need to fight the summer heat and beat it with drinks that not only keep us cool and refreshed but also keep us healthy. In such a scenario, what could be better than having a thandai or sharbat drink? They help to keep our body temperature in check so that we remain healthy. So, all mommies and daddies, it’s time to try out sharbat recipes for your kids. We bet they will love it and will slurp the drink in no time!
  1. Mango Panna Sharbat from Guruji is an age-old solution to cut through the summer heat. Prepared from the flesh of raw mangoes, Mango Panna, also known as Aam Panna is one of the most effective cooling drinks. The natural essence and vitamins of mango replenish the mineral levels in the body and keep it going during the hot days. You can easily make it at home and chill yourself out!
  2. Khus Sharbat  - Guruji Khus Sharbat proves to be a refreshing drink during summers. Made from the drops of refined Khus, it keeps you cool and hydrated. It is also known to boost blood circulation, quench thirst and prevent dehydration thanks to Iron and Manganese content. Besides this, it can be used to make milk, curd and ice-cream lassi. Learn the Khus sharbat recipe and stay healthy, stay cool all summers! 
  3. Rose Sharbat - Guruji’s Rose Sharbat is a storehouse of vitamins like A, B, C, and E. Its cooling properties reduce stress, and calm our minds. It also provides relief from acidity and cures digestive problems. Additionally, it imparts a natural fair glow to the skin, thanks to the blood-purifier substances present in it. It’s lovely rosy pink colour, coupled with its medicinal and therapeutic properties make it all the more special and a preferred choice for your little ones.
  4. Badam Keshar Sharbat - Remember when our parents would give us almonds during exams to boost our memory and keep our brain healthy? They did the right thing. Almonds offer zest and energy to the mind and fill it with a refreshing experience. Badam Keshar Sharbat by Guruji can be consumed with hot or cold milk, depending on your choice. Whichever way you consume it, you’re going to love every sip of this heavenly drink! 
  5. Jeera Sharbat - Guruji’s Jeera Sharbat is the perfect summer cooler that not only protects you from the scorching heat but helps you fight it as well. It is extremely effective and potent even in the intense summer temperatures. Cumin’s tangy flavour along with the presence of healthy black salt and black pepper lend a lasting tingling effect on your taste buds. You can have the sharbat with either water or soda. Consuming Jeera Sharbat regularly infuses the body with vital vitamins and minerals.
  6. Lemon Sharbat - Lemon Sharbat from the house of Guruji is the ideal beverage for summers. A timeless drink that quenches thirst and aids in digestion, it is a superb way to hydrate and replenish your body salts and prevent dehydration. Lemon Sharbat is no doubt one of the best healthy substitutes to carbonated drinks. Get a Lemon Sharbat from a Guruji sharbat, thandai store near you and keep enjoying chilled glasses of Nimbu Sharbat.


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