Tips to Stay Cool in Summers

Summer is the most tiring season across the year because it sucks so much water out of our bodies. The scorching heat teases us all day long. Our body needs extra care to survive through these dry months of May - September. Here are top tips to stay cool and hydrated in summers:
Tips to Stay Cool in Summers
Tips to Stay Cool in Summers

Skip eating hard to digest food
Eating non-veg in excess during summers may create indigestion problem. It is highly recommended to eat easily digestible food like watermelon, vegetables, grains, and vitamin c based fruits.

Eat in installments
Rather than eating in bulk, try eating in installments. This helps you to digest your food easily and not let you lose much water through sweating.

Eat water-rich food
Water-rich food keeps your body temperature cool all the time. Whenever you sweat, your body loses water and essential minerals. Our body extracts water from water-rich food and the reason, you stay hydrated. Water-rich food includes oats, chapatis, watermelon, cucumber, etc.

Practice meditation
Do not forget to practice meditation every day. It keeps your mind calm throughout the day. It is medically proven that a calm mind generates less heat in the body in comparison to the angry minds.

Drink coconut water or refreshing drinks at least once in a day
Make coconut water or thandai an essential part of your summer diet. These water-enriched drinks keep you hydrated and full of energy all the time. If you find Thandai a complicated recipe, you can buy ready-made guruji thandai online to prepare a deliciously refreshing drink in a minute.

Wear cotton and light coloured clothes
Wearing cotton and light coloured clothes generate less irritation in the body during summers. Clothes made from nylon and other fabrics do not act as skin-friendly clothes. Clothes made from soft fabrics like cotton are much needed to avoid irritation in summers.

Try to avoid direct sunlight
Try not to go outside your house or office premises between 10 am to 4 pm to avoid direct sunlight as it impacts your skin and sucks water from your body.

Take cold water shower twice a day
If possible, try to take shower twice a day to push away the heat generated by your body. Taking shower keeps you refresh and energetic all the time.

You are suggested to maintain good eating habits during summers to avoid dehydration and heat strokes. Consuming optimum water through so many food items like watermelon, lemon water, and cucumbers help you a lot to stay cool and calm during hot months.


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